8 Adorable Potty-Training Books to Read with Your Kids

By Rachel Ward
It’s finally time. Your extraordinary toddler is cresting the milestone that every parent is excited to reach: potty training. Say goodbye to diapers and changing tables, and welcome the pull-ups, training potties, and big-kid underwear!
Rarely an accident-free process (check out our helpful tips), potty training can be different for each child depending on obstacles they encounter along the way. The written word (and fun illustrations) can help more than you think—we’ve found the best kids’ books out there to encourage your little one on their journey to conquer the great white throne!

1. Potty by Leslie Patricelli
Age group: Infants/Toddlers
Our infant hero realizes he doesn’t want to go in his diaper—but then, where should he go? After watching his animal friends do their business, he knows he can’t go where they do. Luckily, he’s got his potty! This one makes a great basic intro for younglings just beginning the process.

2. “Bloop Bloop!” Goes the Poop by Temara Moore
Age group: Toddlers
Is your kiddo anxious about pooping? Take away the fear and replace it with fun! This book encourages kids to have fun with sounds while showing them where they shouldn’t go potty, walking them through the process of using the potty, and showing them there’s nothing to fear.

3. A Potty for Me! by Karen Katz
Age group: Toddlers
In the midst of transitioning your little one out of diapers? They may find a kindred spirit in this book’s main character, who is still in diapers and doesn’t want to pee in the potty. With some encouragement from Mom and an assurance that it’s okay when accidents happen, she eventually realizes that she’s ready.

4. Where’s the Poop? by Julie Markes
Age group: Toddlers/Preschool
Aimed at kids who just don’t like going #2, this is all about poop. Featuring animals as the main characters, kids will see that everyone has to poop (and that you feel better afterward). With this interactive book featuring flaps that little hands can open, kids will have a ball hunting for poop on each page!

5. I Don’t Want to Go to the Toilet by B. Annye Rothenberg
Age group: Older toddlers/Preschool
Katie doesn’t want to go pee because she’s having so much fun outside, but she keeps having accidents. Ben doesn’t like the way it feels to poop and holds it in for days—and when he can’t hold it in anymore, he gets really scared. With patient encouragement from their parents, both children realize that using the potty is a good thing!

6. The Princess and the Potty by Wendy Cheyette Lewison
Age group: Toddlers / Preschool
When the princess refuses to use the potty, the king and queen special-order all kinds of potties from around the kingdom in a desperate attempt to please the princess, to no avail. But when the princess sees how pretty the queen’s underwear is, she realizes she wants some of her own! This one’s perfect for youngsters who are ready for the next step, but just need some incentive to get there.

7. Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi
Age group: Toddlers/Preschool
A classic in the world of potty training, Everyone Poops takes a humorous spin by showing kids that everyone poops—from giant elephants to teeny tiny bugs.

8. Potty Animals: What to Know When You’ve Gotta Go! by Hope Vestergaard
Age group: Preschool/Prekindergarten
Maybe your kiddo’s got the basics down, but has picked up some bad habits. Friendly animal characters help demonstrate why kids should always wash their hands, why they shouldn’t wait too long to use the potty, and more.