Toddler Daycares in Vermillion, Minnesota
We welcome you and your little one to our Vermillion toddler daycares.
KinderCare partners with families in Vermillion, MN to provide high-quality daycare designed just for toddlers. We understand that entrusting us with your toddler's care is a big step, and our naturally gifted teachers work hard to ensure a smooth transition into our care. In our safe and supportive classrooms, your little one will feel loved and ready to explore their world.
Find one of our toddler child care centers at a location near you!
Whether you are looking for part-time or full-time child care for your toddler, KinderCare offers an affordable option with plenty of fun and learning. Currently we have 10 toddler daycares in or nearby Vermillion which can be found just below.
10 Toddler Daycares in Vermillion, MN
1. Shannon Park KinderCare
9.6 miles Away: 15080 Shannon Pkwy, Rosemount, MN 55068
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (651) 322-19982. Cottage Grove KinderCare
10.0 miles Away: 8453 E Point Douglas Rd S, Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Ages: 6 weeks to 8 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (651) 458-17813. Dodd Blvd Lakeville KinderCare
12.2 miles Away: 17420 Dodd Blvd, Lakeville, MN 55044
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (952) 469-60054. Eagan Knowledge Beginnings
12.7 miles Away: 4155 Lexington Ave S, Eagan, MN 55123
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (651) 994-45885. Apple Valley KinderCare
13.3 miles Away: 7691 145th St W, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Ages: 6 weeks to 10 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (952) 431-35116. Eagan Cliff Road KinderCare
13.9 miles Away: 1865 Plaza Dr, Eagan, MN 55122
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years
Open:TUITION & OPENINGS (651) 452-16167. Lakeville KinderCare
14.0 miles Away: 19881 Idealic Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044
Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years