Family of three with health considerations
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Hailey has been juggling a demanding job, a young son who needs lots of help with managing schoolwork and big feelings, and a toddler with a pre-existing condition that poses a higher risk with COVID-19. This is her story of finding safety and structure at KinderCare.

"Working the 8-hour shift, trying to do dinner, then help my son with homework, and I still have a 2-year-old on top of it ... It's been really challenging. Having the structure of KinderCare helps my kids a lot."

“It's definitely been a different year.
I got lucky in regards to my job because I work at an urgent care. They did put us on shorter hours for about a month, but since then we've picked up tremendously. We’re super busy all the time. Working the 8-hour shift, trying to do dinner, then help my son with homework, and I still have a 2-year-old on top of it ... It's been really challenging. Having the structure of KinderCare helps my kids a lot.

There've been challenges with trying to do home-schooling with my son. He was at the end of his Kindergarten year (when COVID hit) … he really struggled. He didn't want to be around anyone. He would throw these fits, like he hated going anywhere. Now at KinderCare, they've helped him open up and he loves being around friends.
With my daughter, it was quite a process trying to find out that she had asthma, so KinderCare helped me through that. And then at around a year old, she also had to have surgery on her knee because she got an infection. So, they were really helpful with making sure her leg stayed wrapped. She loves it here. Some people think that Jenny (the center director) is her grandma, because she likes to hang out with Jenny so much. I know they care about my kids, and I know they're safe here.”