A 360⁰ View of Family Leave: Support and Resources for Working Parents

As work and personal time become more integrated, employers cannot afford to ignore major transitions in the lives of their employees, such as a new baby or caring for a sick child. In order to attract and retain top talent, how can organizations best support working parents? 

While the makeup of a traditional family is changing, the fact that working parents face a myriad of challenges has not. Parents must manage the demands of home, children, career advancement, and day-to-day tasks and priorities in their jobs.

While some organizations remain unresponsive to the transitions in their employees’ lives, smart companies understand that proactively supporting their employees through important life events is not just compassionate, it’s good business.

Percentage Strongly Agree/Agree with Each of the Statements in the Work-Life Support Measure (alpha = .90).

Offering family-friendly benefits and policies is a start, but it is not enough. The most positive impact on organizational outcomes occurs when leaders foster a conscious work-life culture that supports working parents.

In order for business and HR leaders to respond to the realities faced by employees with children, this research report holistically examines the intersection between work and family life by showing what family-friendly policies support working parents.

Enter your email below to receive a PDF of the full 30-page report, based on responses from nearly 400 U.S. organizations, to learn how organizations are supporting employees as they transition into parenthood.

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